About Us
At HPS we have developed and offer both a Family Name Origin and Heraldic (Coat of Arms) database systems. Our database systems have proved a great success, offering in excess of 300,000 names with further research on names not included in the standard list. We offer an extremely attractive package for people who wish to develop a business from home without investing large sums or incurring expensive overheads. The systems are straightforward and user-friendly, so much so that knowledge of computers is not necessary. Recent advancements in our system have enabled us to offer the database systems at an extremely competitive licence cost, it is not a franchise.
We feel that many people can benefit from setting up any of our database systems in their homes, women with family commitments who need flexible working hours, retired people who have time on their hands and would like to run a small and interesting business which gives an excellent return, computer 'buffs' who could turn a hobby into profit, and those who are housebound but wish to work and establish their independence by earning a good income.
We feel we are offering a business opportunity for many people in varying circumstances and would be interested in our personalised names software offers. We are also leading specialists in the supply of hand painted shields, embroidered insignia, badges and copper etchings.
All of the above products are available to order on this web site.
"Our philosophy at HPS is to provide software business packages that are user friendly and return an excellent income. Best of all, the cost of the packages are affordable, allowing you a low cost business startup. The software is not a franchise, you may sell where you wish, also with no annual renewal fee."
We feel that many people can benefit from setting up any of our database systems in their homes, women with family commitments who need flexible working hours, retired people who have time on their hands and would like to run a small and interesting business which gives an excellent return, computer 'buffs' who could turn a hobby into profit, and those who are housebound but wish to work and establish their independence by earning a good income.
We feel we are offering a business opportunity for many people in varying circumstances and would be interested in our personalised names software offers. We are also leading specialists in the supply of hand painted shields, embroidered insignia, badges and copper etchings.
All of the above products are available to order on this web site.
"Our philosophy at HPS is to provide software business packages that are user friendly and return an excellent income. Best of all, the cost of the packages are affordable, allowing you a low cost business startup. The software is not a franchise, you may sell where you wish, also with no annual renewal fee."